Website Heatmap
A website heatmap shows how users interact with each page element. You can see their clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements. It reveals which pages are more popular and keep visitors' attention.
Analyze A Website Heatmap
Knowing your customers' demands and interests is something you as a marketer certainly want to do. You can analyze heatmaps on your website to gain insight into users' behavior and interests.
Click Maps
A click map is a kind of website heatmap that shows where people click. You may learn more about what attracts your visitors by using click heatmaps. Find out which parts of your website are the most popular and which should and shouldn't be clicked.
Scroll Maps
With scroll heatmaps, you can see how far down your visitors scroll and what proportion of them abandon the page without taking the intended action. It can help you determine where your elements, like calls-to-action, should be placed to get the most attention.
Movement Maps
A movement heatmap or movement map shows you where users navigate their mouse on your site.
The use of movement maps can help you determine where people are paying the most attention and whether they are finding the main components of your website, such as your calls to action (CTA).
The use of movement maps can help you determine where people are paying the most attention and whether they are finding the main components of your website, such as your calls to action (CTA).
Session Recording
Session Recording is a research tool with which you can record every action a real visitor makes on a website, including clicks, mouse movements, scrolling, window resizing, page changes, and form interactions. To optimize your website, you can watch a video replay to better understand their expectations, any issues they might be having, their usage habits, and more.
Conversion Funnel
A conversion funnel helps businesses see the path of the conversion process as it relates to the flow of potential prospects into paying customers.
It is referred to as a "funnel" because it shows the different steps in the purchasing process.
It is referred to as a "funnel" because it shows the different steps in the purchasing process.
New Visitor vs. Returning Visitor
New visitors are those who have never been to your website before, whereas returning visitors have been there previously and keep coming back.
Websites often want fewer returning visitors and more new ones. But returning visitors are more valuable.
Websites often want fewer returning visitors and more new ones. But returning visitors are more valuable.