Movement Maps

In your website you would put many components on the web pages that users visit. Some of them are interesting, while others may not attract the interest of visitors. You can use our user behavior tools, such as a movement map, to determine how beneficial a feature is and whether or not it captures the users' attention.

What is a mouse movement map?

A mouse movement map (also known as a hover map or move map) is a type of website heatmap that displays the regions that visitors hover their mouse cursor over the most. It collects and visualizes information on the most and least considered parts and elements of a website. It's a simple method to see if visitors are paying attention to the parts of the website you want them to. To begin tracking visitors' mouse movements, you should be aware of the hover map function.

How does a hover map work?

Mouse tracking enables you to keep track of all the user's mouse movements. In the movement maps, hot colors represent more mouse movement and cold colors indicate less. It tracks where users hover and pause their cursors on your website's pages. Using mouse heatmaps, may uncover hover patterns that graphically illustrate user behaviors and help identify spots of high visitor irritation or concentration.

How can you use move map tools to understand your user behaviors?

By using mouse movement maps, you can observe where your visitors are looking and what areas of your site they are reading. According to research, mouse and eye movements are significantly associated, allowing you to track how most visitors read your page information. With this heatmap, you can find what is going on inside visitors' heads and see where they move mouse pointers while viewing your website.

Use mouse tracking heatmaps to:

  • Determine which areas visitors spend the most time in and then insert critical information, main CTAs, essential ads, and so on in those sections.
  • Learn where a visitor is focusing while they are navigating your website by monitoring where their mouse stops and hovers at faster speeds.

How is the accuracy of the mouse tracking maps?

People may look at items while they aren't moving the mouse. It's also possible that they hover over objects that get little attention, causing the move map to be inaccurate. Researches show that the accuracy of the move maps' results is up to 70 percent reliable. Marketers may make data-driven changes to their websites that match users' expectations if they know which parts draw the most attention and which elements benefit from being put in locations where eye engagement is strongest.